Call of Duty Multiplayer


Call of Duty Multiplayer


Crazy Comeback! We Want All The 2v2 Smoke!!

[M] • Shooters

A simple classic when it comes to first person shooters. Call of Duty has been label as one of the best first person shooters ever to be made. With 1v1 gunfights, all the way to large ground war matches, Call of Duty always has a wide variety of game modes to jump into. Follow Dion, and Trent into the Call of Duty scene to see how they will match up in this face-paced first person shooter.

  • Cheeks To Champ: Escape From Tarkov
  • Trent's Saints Row 4 Walkthrough
  • Call of Duty Customs
  • Battlefield
  • Flam's Apex Legends
  • Flam's Splinter Cell Walkthrough
  • Dion & Trent's Far Cry 6 Walkthrough
  • Fortnite
  • Shooter School
  • Ninja Tournaments